
15 apr 2024

Just graduated: Hannah Slabber [F 2023]

Hannah, who graduated in 2023, talks about her life after graduation

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06 feb 2024

Just graduated: Charlotte Hendrikx [F 2023]

Ze heeft gevoel voor mode, en naast haar werk bij designer Yume Yume, heeft Charlotte Hendrikx [F2023] het bedrijf Bold Blazers…

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25 jan 2024

Let's catch up with Margot Vlek [F 2011]

Margot Vlek [F 2011] offers a glimpse into her life as the GM of Hotel the Exchange and the unique SWEETS hotel in Amsterdam.

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20 dec 2023

Just graduated: Manon Merks [F 2022]

Explore Manon Merks' post-graduation journey, choosing finance at Mews over a master's, and envisioning impactful growth.

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28 sep 2023

Just graduated: Adam Héry [F 2021]

Adam Héry [F 2021]: 'It has been hammered in during my study and it's true; your network can bring great opportunities'

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18 sep 2023

Just graduated: Jur Plötz [F 2022]

Jur Plötz [F 2022], momenteel werkzaam bij Ajax en F1, over zijn leven na het afstuderen.

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26 apr 2023

Let's catch up with Maud Meijers [F 2014]

Lecturer, researcher, track coordinator and still working on her PhD at University of Wageningen. Let's catch up with Maud!

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29 apr 2022

Let's catch up with Sharon Opstal [F 2017]

Sharon Opstal vertrok naar het buitenland om een jaar te reizen en woont en werkt tot vandaag de dag in M’pai Bay in Cambodja!

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08 mrt 2022

Let's catch up with Sophie Bozon [F 2018]

Sophie Bozon combineert reizen in haar bus met het opzetten van haar eigen bedrijf, 'Virtual Sophie'

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09 mrt 2021

Let's catch up with Milou Agterberg [F 2017]

How did Milou get to work in pastry on a Michelin star level? Read all about it in her blog.

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