
30 aug 2022

Global Mind Conference at the start of the academic year

A day for and about Global Minds, resilience, adapting, challenges and following your heart.

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05 jul 2022

Bas Vogelsangs benoemd tot directeur Hotel Management en Facility Management

Met ingang van 1 oktober is Bas Vogelsangs benoemd tot directeur: “Een grote eer”

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30 jun 2022

On the bright side

Lecturer Kimberley van der Heijden defended her dissertation and demonstrates how lighting has an effect on taste intensity.

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21 jun 2022

All things come to an end

"Like that I find myself at the end of my internship, and at the end of my Hotel School days." What's next for an almost graduate?

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14 jun 2022

A chat with Mr Toitot: get to know him!

Student Nav sat down with Mr. Toitot to talk about his experience as hospitality professional and being a lecturer at HMSM!

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29 apr 2022

Let's catch up with Sharon Opstal [F 2017]

Sharon Opstal vertrok naar het buitenland om een jaar te reizen en woont en werkt tot vandaag de dag in M’pai Bay in Cambodja!

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28 apr 2022

The EM Cup Experience

Last weekend the EM cup took place in Maastricht. Team Pentrapeneurs representing HMSM won Best Pitch Award!

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14 apr 2022

Directeur Ad Smits met pensioen

Drs. Ad Smits, sinds 2008 directeur van Hotel Management School Maastricht gaat na 14 jaar met pensioen.

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12 apr 2022

Alexandra’s time in Maastricht, thinking back and looking forward!

Alexandra's talks about her time at HMSM. There were challenges, but mostly opportunities!

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08 apr 2022

Lectoraat Future of Food helpt voedingsindustrie duurzame keuzes maken

Dr Danny Han is geïnaugureerd als lector Future of Food. Lees over zijn onderzoek en zijn inaugurele rede.

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