
07 apr 2021

Dromen en doelen nastreven

Waar moet je op letten als je dromen hebt en doelen wilt nastreven? Lees de tips in de blog!

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30 mrt 2021

Creating Happiness

“Happiness is not something that happens to you, it is something you have to work on."

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26 mrt 2021

My first internship: expectations versus reality

Read Nav Singh's blog about her internship experience as a "sidekick" at Zoku Amsterdam.

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22 mrt 2021

Studying during corona

In her blog HMSM student Uliana Soldatkina tells how to overcome troubles and make the best of it!

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09 mrt 2021

Let's catch up with Milou Agterberg [F 2017]

How did Milou get to work in pastry on a Michelin star level? Read all about it in her blog.

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02 mrt 2021

Let's catch up with Rhoderique Meesters [F 1997]

"At HMSM you learn to develop a healthy dose of self-confidence and flair that you can use throughout your life.”

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26 feb 2021

Gastvrij leiderschap

Maud Doveren, directeur Hospitality Consultancy: "Alleen ga je sneller, samen kom je verder. Dus we doen het samen!"

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08 feb 2021

Being a student is a unique experience!

Jean Maroun Bou Malhab about the Student Residence - "I must say that I whole heartedly enjoy my time here."

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03 feb 2021

In gesprek met een horeca ondernemer

"Het is de kunst om iedereen even welkom te laten zijn en iedereen de ruimte en de beleving te gunnen die hem of haar toekomt."

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27 jan 2021

Let's catch up with Maartje Jans [F 2014]

Maartje tells about her role at, how she got there and the future she sees for herself.

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