
06 mrt 2020

Another day at the Hay

Anne-Mare is doing her internship at The Hay Adams in Washington DC. Want to know about an average day at The Hay?

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03 feb 2020

Case Gemeente Gennep

Gemeente Gennep aan de slag met inspirerende workshops rondom het thema "gastvrijheidsvuur."

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24 jan 2020

Let's catch up with Wisse Schellevis [F 2012]

Making friends for life is the aspect he appreciates most about his time at HMSM.

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10 jan 2020

Let's catch up with Pascale de Wijs [F 1993]

Pascale graduated in 1993 and became a marketing specialist who now owns two companies, Likewise and Grey Rebels!

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09 jan 2020

Top 5 cities near Maastricht

Explore other cities in the Netherlands, Germany or Belgium, these places are certainly worth it!

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23 dec 2019

Decisions, decisions... decide!

Student life coach Katinka van Kan, shares her funny and informative insights about decision making.

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18 dec 2019

Alternative nightlife Maastricht

Maastricht is a city which has something for everyone. You just need to know where to go!

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18 dec 2019

Let's catch up with Siem Bierman [F 2005]

Siem Bierman is co-founder of Handpicked Group China. Read about his journey after graduating.

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17 dec 2019

De rol van onze taal

Hospitality consultant Jeroen Frerichs over de rol van onze taal in de zorg. Wat als de patiënt niet meer kan praten?

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04 dec 2019

Magical Maastricht

It is time to go out and explore the magical city of Maastricht in the winter!

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