ANBI status offers tax deduction

The Foundation HMSM is a ‘Recognized Public Benefit Organization’ (ANBI). This means that donations to the foundation can provide tax benefits for Dutch residents. This applies to both single and periodic donations. All donations to the Foundation HMSM will be fully spent on Hotel Management School Maastricht projects.

The foundation of the HMSM was established under the umbrella of the Stichting Zuyd Hogeschool and therefore has ANBI status. The director of the HMSM reports annually on the Foundation HMSM to the Executive Board of Zuyd. The financial statements and explanations are approved by the Advisory Board of the Foundation HMSM. The financial responsibility for the ANBI status lies with the Zuyd Foundation (see annual report 2023 in Dutch)

As Foundation HMSM, we also want to give our donors insight into the distribution of the funds received. View the document Financial accountability 2023 - Foundation HMSM.

Student stands in front of the smart board in the classroom and gives presentation to his fellow students at the hotel school maastricht.

Calculate your tax advantage

Want to fully use the tax advantages? Then choose a regular financial donation. You can donate a fixed amount every month, quarter or year for a period of five years. The sum of the donations within each year can be subtracted from taxes. The size of your tax benefit depends on your income but can be as much as 52% tax refund on your donation. Do you want to know how much advantage you will have? Then calculate your tax advantage.


As the Foundation HMSM, we also want to provide our donors with insight into the awarding of the received funds. In our accountability, we describe the results that have been achieved and give insight on the goals that have been set. 

For the accountability of the Foundation HMSM, view this document (only in Dutch available).