
All donations together, make a difference to the life of a young talent.

With a donation to the Foundation HMSM you can make a difference. You will support future talent and contribute to the future and success of our industry at the same time. You couldn't be more involved and connected to them and the future of the hospitality industry!

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The tuition fees for an international student are almost three times as high as those of an European student. With your contribution we can give a substantial discount on the high tuition fees. 

This is a good investment. Because experience has shown that students with a scholarship feel extra motivated and appreciated. They absolutely do their utmost to prove themselves during their studies. Furthermore, they are gladly willing to give back something to the community and sector.

Donations have a huge impact. Donations of all sizes make a difference. Would you like to make a donation to our foundation? Then please contact us to arrange your contribution. We strive to show you as specifically as possible to what and to whom it has been spent.

Please find below a number of ways to contribute. We will happily help you to make your donation completely appropriate. We strive to make the entire donation process as easy and effective as possible. Payments by Ideal or Credit card are possible. Contact a member of our team today if you want to learn more about donating to the HMSM Foundation.

Regular donation

With a regular financial donation (monthly or yearly), we can build plans and offer long-term support to the student. After all, financial support is not only needed at the start but during all four years of their bachelor.

Just three donors who donate € 100,- per month for 4 years, we can offer a student a scholarship to obtain his bachelor degree. How about that!

I want to be a donor

Please fill in the form and we will arrange the automatic debit.

Good to know: Residents of the Netherlands can deduct a donation to the Foundation HMSM (under conditions) in your income tax return. If you support us 5 years, your tax deductibility is higher compared to a single donation. For the tax deductibility of a regular donation, we send you the needed agreement.

Single donation

Your donation, big or small, has an impact. Together, all the gifts make a big difference to a young student.

Choose your amount

€ 25 € 50 € 75 € 100 € 150 € 200

€ 250 € 500 € 750 € 1000

..or donate an other amount.

You can always donate directly, please transfer the amount of your choice to:

  • IBAN: NL34 RABO 0311 0782 49 quoting 'Stichting Zuyd Hogeschool'
  • For donations from abroad, please use the following BIC code: RABONL2U

We strive to be as specific as possible to what and to whom your gift has been awarded. Look at success stories or the validation of the donation (only in Dutch available) we have received. 

Do you prefer to receive more information about donating first? Then please contact us.

Named fund and legacy

Write your name in history with a named fund. By establishing a named fund you can support a specific cause important to you. Named funds can be set up by individuals and organisations, and they are established as part of Foundation HMSM but with a specific cause. 

Would you like to establish a named fund? Please contact our fundraising team! 

A legacy gives you the opportunity to make a difference with the assets you leave behind. When accepting a legacy, the Foundation HMSM undertakes to follow your wishes, as expressed in your will.

The foundation commits to complying with the donor's wishes, as expressed in the will, when it receives the donation after the completion of the estate inventory. It carries out the donor’s wishes in a way that ensures a long-term impact.

A trustee, lawyer or other legal representative can help you draw up the legacy. We can help you with formulating the wording for the allocation of assets.

Let us know if you plan to include the Foundation HMSM in your will. We can tell you more about the impact of donations.

Company donation

Many companies firmly support our school thanks to a solid collaboration with alumni and teachers who work within the company. If you donate an amount via your company, you can deduct it from your taxable profit. 

For companies it is also possible to set-up a named fund with a specific cause.

Contact us directly to learn more about how your company can support future talent.

Student stands in front of the smart board in the classroom and gives presentation to his fellow students at the hotel school maastricht.

ANBI status offers tax deduction

The HMSM Foundation is a ‘Recognized Public Benefit Organization’ (ANBI). This means that donations to the Foundation can provide tax benefits for Dutch residents. This applies to both single and periodic financial donations. All donations to the HMSM Foundation will be fully spent on Hotel Management School Maastricht projects.