
Living on campus

An essential part of your study

"The key is finding the balance between fun and study at the Hotel School, because both play a crucial part for your future."

The first few weeks of living on campus can be scary, exciting, and maybe a bit overwhelming. A new place to call home, lots of new people to meet, and living on your own (perhaps for the first time). However, you will soon find that living in the student residences together is also lots of fun! You will start to find your way around campus and the city, become friends with the students at your unit and in your class, and become more independent.    

In addition, living on campus is not just a fun experience, you will also learn a lot from living here. Recent graduate Emiel Ritzen [F 2021] shares his experiences and provides you with some tips to make the most of your student time on campus!

Young man, white shirt, beard, laptop, desk
Emiel Ritzen

Why a campus?

When I entered the hotel school in 2017, I can honestly say that I was quite nervous. From the safe surroundings of home, you end up in a big community, where all of sudden you have to take care of yourself. In 2017, we lived in the original student residences, which consisted of four different buildings, each with its own perks and sizes of rooms. I was one of the unfortunate people to live in the smallest room building: Kanjel. At first, I always wondered why the Hotel Management School Maastricht had a campus with student residences and why you were obliged to live there the first year. Now, just before my graduation, I realized why living on campus is one of the most essential parts of the study. 

Building your network

During this period, you will start with one of the most important aspects of our school: building your network. Even though I was quite nervous and reluctant at first, the environment of the campus forces you to come out of your room and socialise with your fellow students. Of course, being part of Amphitryon (our student association) also enhances this experience even more. 

I must say, having the student residences next to the student association bar comes with its advantages and disadvantages. During a rough night partying at Amphitryon you could just exit the bar, walk around the corner and dive into your bed!
On the other hand, when exams were approaching the bar would still be there, just around the corner...

Finding the balance

My advice for new students? Try to find your balance! The campus comes with many temptations during your study. Understandably, you want to take part in all of this and enjoy your time as much as possible. But remember: HMSM handles a tough selection process where you have to pass the first year. Those who enjoy their time a little bit too much won’t make it to the second year. So every once in a while, when that little devil on your shoulder screams to socialise and party, you have to check in with yourself and take a step back. Close your door (meaning don’t disturb me), put on some headphones, start your favourite study playlist, and shut yourself off from the temptation that is called the campus. The key to the Hotel Management School Maastricht is finding the balance between fun and study, because both play a crucial part for your future. Study to make it towards your degree; socialise to build your professional network!

Emiel Ritzen currently works as a Startup manager at Café Restaurant Eindhoven

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